Members are the foundation of City Club and represent a wide range of professions, ages, education, interests and backgrounds. Memberships, together with annual and forum sponsorship’s, support City Club programs. Monetary support from members enable City Club to provide quality, non-partisan programs on topics of local, state, national, and international importance in an atmosphere of civil discourse. Learn more about benefits and pricing below. All memberships a for a Full Year term.
Eligible High School or College students enjoy the benefit of:
Receive City Club emails, special student member pricing for events (range: $5-$15), and invitations to member invitational events
Club staff assistance needed to join as a student member. Please call or email : 208-364-4614,
Receive City Club emails, special member pricing, and invitations to member events
Access to online Member Directory (members can opt-out of being displayed on the directory)
A City Club issued permanent member name tag (s)
Receive City Club emails, special member pricing, and invitations to member events
Access to online Member Directory (members can opt-out of being displayed on the directory)
A City Club issued permanent member name tag (s)
Recognition of your membership contribution displayed on a monitor located in the venue lobby at all Lunch Forums
Receive City Club emails, special member pricing, and invitations to member events
Access to online Member Directory (members can opt-out of being displayed on the directory)
A City Club issued permanent member name tag (s)
Attendance fees (meal included) to all Forums, are covered
Please note member events (such as Salons, Tours, and After Hour) and Special Events (Marilyn Shuler, Pundits, and Stimpson) are not included and will require payment upon registration
Receive City Club emails, special member pricing, and invitations to member events
Access to online Member Directory (members can opt-out of being displayed on the directory)
A City Club issued permanent member name tag (s)
Attendance fees (meal included) to all Forums, are covered
Please note member events (such as Salons, Tours, and After Hour) and Special Events (Marilyn Shuler, Pundits, and Stimpson) are not included and will require payment upon registration
City Club Head table seating opportunity for two (2) guests at up to two (2) Lunch Forums per year
Two (2) complimentary guest tickets to any Lunch Forum throughout the year
Receive City Club emails, special member pricing, and invitations to member events
Access to online Member Directory (members can opt-out of being displayed on the directory)
A City Club issued permanent member name tag (s)
​Attendance fees (meal included) to all Forums, are covered
Please note member events (such as Salons, Tours, and After Hour) and Special Events (Marilyn Shuler, Pundits, and Stimpson) are not included
Club Head table seating opportunity for two (2) guests at up to two (2) Lunch Forums per year
Two (2) complimentary guest tickets to any Lunch Forum throughout the year
Opportunity to be highlighted in the City Club of Boise Newsletters